Sandip Tamang
Is a 7 year old boy from Dhading. He was suffering from intestine cancer but due to the diligent effort of his parents, he is now healed and has been attending school in his village. Testimonial from his parents: We heard about Smriti didi from one of the patients at the hospital. They told us that she has helped them to buy medicines and blood and said that she is very kind hearted and asked us to reach out to her. We called her and after few days didi started helping us with Sandips treatment. Since at that time, we had enormous burden on our shoulders due to Sandips treatment, after didi stepped in it was a very big relief for us. We were mentally stress free and able to focus on providing good food to Sandip. Due to good vibes that came into our lives, Sandip healed and we were able to come back to the villages. We do go back to Kathmandu for follow up treatments and Sandip is now cancer free. The doctors are very happy with his treatment. We are very happy with Didi who has been helping children since so many years and is so willing to help. May god bless her and her family for ever.
Devu Sunuwar
Devu is a blood cancer patient since the last few years at Kanti Hospital. Initially Devu battled cancer for many years but has now healed beautifully due to combined efforts from his parents and the doctors who have worked so hard to save his life. Testimonial from his parents:We used to see didi when she had come to the hospital to meet and distribute money to other children but we did not know here at that time. However we heard of her and asked her to help. Within a few days didi came and started helping us with funds. Simultaneously she was helping six children at that time. whenever we needed help to buy blood or for chemotherapy, didi was always willing and helpful. She never said no to most people that called us from the hospital. I am happy to know that she has opened her own Foundation. I know she will save more lives.
Brij Kishor Shah
Brij is a blood cancer patient from the Terai region. He has healed well and is doing well and attending school. Testimonial from his father: I also met didi for the first time in the hospital. She was helping many children at that time. She helped me when I asked and on top of that supplied nutritious food to my child such as fruits. She also took a special interest and would regularly ask about my sons health. It was so kind of her. I thank god and her that my son was healed.
Sishir Pariyaar
Sishir, from Kavre is a 7 year old eye cancer patient. Sisir had 3rd stage eye cancer and his parents were economically disadvantaged and unable to pay for his expenses. The Foundation then stepped in to help him. Testimonial from his parents: Smriti didi, for her work had come to Kavre, and after meeting us she decided to help us. We were one of the first she had helped. After us she helped around 40 children. She has a very kind heart and would always phone us to ask about our childs health. She helped us financially which helped ease the burden on my family since we had burrowed money from the money lenders to pay for Sishirs treatment. With the help from hospitals, doctors and other well wishers Sishir has healed well and is attending school now. we are so happy and grateful for his recovery. We are especially thank ful to didi for helping us with Sishirs treatment.
Mansul Khan
He is a small 4 year old child with kidney cancer. Testimonial from Mansuls father: When we found out that Mansul was diagnosed with cancer it was a very difficult time for my family. We did not understand what the doctor was trying to tell us and I myself am suffering from Kidney disease. Money was very tight at that time since I am a daily wage earner. We came to Kathmandu and the cost of the treatment along with medicines was high. We often thought of going back to our village and not returning back to Kathmandu for treatment but didi stepped in at that time and hlped us with Mansuls treatment costs. As a result we were able to do treatment on time and Mansuls life was saved.
Devi Basnet
Devi Basnet is a nine year old girl from Bajura with stomach cancer.She is now cancer free and attending school. Testimonial from her father: I came to Kathmandu with my daughter Devi from Bajura. It was a difficult journey for me but I wanted my child to heal and get better. I do farming in Bajura and I had to leave behind my other children and wife in Bajura for Devis treatmnnet in Kathmandu. Her state was bad when we reached but never the less having faith in god we started her treatment with good wishes in our hearts. Those were dark and uncertain times and we did not know what would happen but with help from didi my Devis health improved. Due to cancer she has lost her appetite and her stomach would be all swollen. She would vomit but I tried my best to save her life. We stayed in Kathmandu for almost two years and my Devis life was saved. Today she is attending school.
Our Children
Nationwide helping hand for children in need.
Saving the children.